Блок питания Level VI AC/DC Power Supply (Brick). AC Input: 100-240V, 2.4A. DC Output: 12V, 4.16A, 50W. Requires: DC line cord and Country specific AC grounded Line Cord
Терминалы сбора данных, Блок питания Level VI AC/DC Power Supply (Brick). AC Input: 100-240V, 2.4A. DC Output: 12V, 4.16A, 50W. Requires: DC line cord and Country specific AC grounded Line Cord, p/n PWR-BGA12V50W0WW, цена 4 848,07 руб., ПОС-ККМ, тел. +7(499)3907767, pos-kkm.ru, info@pos-kkm.ru